“Upkeep that is valued for animals and visitors”

Friends of Zoo Idaho (FOZI) is a dedicated group of volunteers that care about the zoo, its inhabitants, and visitors. FOZI members work on various projects to assist in the maintenance of the zoo so that the animals and visitors are safe.

Under the auspices of the Zoo Idaho Zoological Society (ZIZS), FOZI operates as a suborganization working exclusively with the zoo director and staff to provide quality workmanship in all assigned projects. FOZI‘s main purpose will be to provide an additional workforce to repair, clean, paint, power-wash, prepare exhibits, assist zookeepers and maintenance personnel, and perform duties as assigned.

All work will be under the direct supervision of the Zoo Director and assigned paid staff. Projects will be carefully reviewed and assigned to capable and trained volunteers. No project will be given to volunteers unable to physically perform tasks; or they feel uncomfortable with the task; or they are not fully trained.

FOZI will create its own leadership model and conduct training in safety with tools and machinery, painting/staining, landscaping, gardening, and other areas in the zoo that need volunteer work.

Annual waivers will be required and zoo training sessions will be needed each year.

FOZI saves the City of Pocatello considerable amount of capital by supplementing the workforce at the zoo.

Mission Statement

FOZI is an all-volunteer subgroup of Zoo Idaho Zoological Society dedicated to providing quality services and products for the zoo. FOZI was organized to assist management with maintaining a safe visitor experience, providing for the animals, reducing costs, creating a volunteer learning platform, and most importantly – to have fun.

The zoo provides a unique opportunity to learn about native wildlife through exhibits, classes, summer camps, and outreaches.

Throughout the year Zoo Idaho and Zoo Idaho Zoological Society present a variety of events to raise money to support zoo exhibit construction and maintenance and zoo programs. We are looking for sponsors to help us make each event a success! We are looking for both monetary sponsorships and volunteering sponsorships.

Vision Statement

FOZI endeavors to promote zoo and animal stewardship by allowing volunteer members hands on experiences with various projects within the zoo. Safety for animals and humans – both in harmony for continued operations and memorable visitations.


  • Sober. FOZI has a zero tolerance policy for drug and/or alcohol use. The use of alcohol or drugs is not permitted on Zoo grounds. Any individual determined to have used alcohol or drugs while on Zoo grounds or be under the influence while on Zoo grounds will be terminated immediately and not allowed to return and/ or participate in any FOZI assignment.
  • Eighteen years of age, unless accompanied by their parent or guardian. Younger children are allowed to work, under certain conditions, usually warranted by the difficulty of the project and the acting FOZI leader judgment at the time.
  • Team player. We cannot allow separate work actions – reckless behavior with tools, improperly working in a project, wandering off – working alone without permission or supervision. FOZI is a close-knit zoo group that works as a team or several teams – all for the same reason: to safely produce quality work and services.


  • No pets allowed.
  • No smoking tobacco products on the property of the zoo. Volunteers need to step away to a designated area if they have to partake in this smoking or chewing habit.
  • Cell phones are allowed – but constant texting/twittering/phone calls/gaming/whatever is a distraction to you, the animals, and others and it presents an unsafe situation. It is suggested that members put the phone on ‘airplane mode’ and receive calls in a discrete manor.
  • FOZI designated Field Directors/Crew Leaders have the final say on projects, disciplinary issues, and up to and including – removal (if necessary) of members from the worksite.

Code of Conduct and Ethics

  • FOZI does not discriminate against race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, medical condition, handicap or disability or physical size. We welcome everyone that abides by our rules and regulations and code of ethics.
  • FOZI organization does not condone or tolerate any form of harassment rendered on any of its members, guests or citizens; this includes: off-colored jokes, weight assessments, sexual preferences, and general mean-spirited dialog. FOZI will not endure any kind of physical or verbal confrontations with its members or the public. Immediate disciplinary action will be administered, including removing the member from the project; or with the assistance of legal authority.
  • All members of FOZI are expected to act in a professional and courteous manner to other members and citizens.
  • All FOZI members are expected to arrive at the designated zoo area fully attired and equipped for outdoor zoo work.
  • All FOZI members behavior is to be moderated and language safeguarded at all times. No unruly behavior or foul language spoken. Remember, FOZI is in the public eye in this zoo setting.
  • FOZI does not allow any kind of bullying at events.
  • FOZI members will avoid conversations on religion, politics, gossip which generally leads to heated discussions or arguments.

What to Bring?

Obviously we will be working outside within the zoo. Comfortable work clothes is recommended and attire yourself for the weather of the day.

  1. Shirt – Long sleeve or t-shirt
  2. Trousers – better if on knees for work projects
  3. Head covering – FOZI ball caps will be earned and awarded
  4. Work shoes/boots – no open toed shoes/crocs/sandals et al
  5. Eye protection – sunglasses
  6. Work gloves
  1. Day pack
  2. Water bottle
  3. Snacks
  4. Sun block
  5. Handi-wipes or hand gel

Typical Work Session

3:00 PMAssemble volunteers conduct introductions, review rules for working at the zoo, safety talk, today’s SOW, record attendance
3:30 PMMove to worksite in zoo, retrieve/transport tools and/or volunteers, walk

Break into crews – some OJT if needed – begin work on assigned project

Volunteers take breaks as needed – all should have water and snacks

Later arrivals – find Directors – get assigned to crews

Work each project until completion – if not finished – clean up area for visitors
5:30 PMStart to wrap up work session, finish loose ends, gather all tools, proceed to gathering point, clean tools/store, status reports due, announce next work session and projects
6:00 PMDepart zoo complex

Benefits – Perks

Volunteering your time and energy for the zoo has some benefits and perks.

  • Free training
  • Enhance personal skill sets
  • Network with other volunteers/groups
  • Resume builder
  • Satisfying work
  • Work outside around animals and visitors
  • Helps City with lowering maintenance costs
  • Recognition with visitors
  • Patch/decal upon joining club
  • Earn t-shirt and ball cap
  • Become a member of Zoo Idaho Zoological Society
  • Additional training during winter months
  • Get-togethers

Note: T-shirts are awarded after 6 hours of volunteer work. Ball caps are earned after 12 hours. A yearly membership to ZIZS is earned after 9 hours work for a single member and 15 hours work for a family. ZIZS members are allowed free entrance to the zoo (certain conditions apply).

March 17, 2025

Hello all,

I hope you all had a nice winter break? It seems so short and not so much snow this year. I am not complaining.

We [FOZI] is up and running again on 3rd of April – a Thursday [weather permitting] and every Thursday thereafter up to 1st of Nov.

We have some great new projects in store for the group.

Some administrative stuff – Please sign a new waiver online at our webpage. This waiver is good for the whole year so we don’t pester you with each event.

We are in the Environmental Fair this year at Lookout Point on 26 April and we welcome our members to come out and populate our booth. We will be highlighting we do over at the zoo and try to recruit some new members. We should be giving away something environmental – so help me with that – suggestions or bring something to hand out. https://envirofair.org/booths/

You can let me know if you can attend…..

We hope to see all the new members that have signed on electronically. To be an active member – one does need to come out often and work with us at the zoo.

Hopefully, we can start using the signupgenius link every time before you come out?

I will be letting folks know via emails if we are up or down…UP = the top of the zoo and entering is from the Admin bldg…DOWN = the main entrance area at lower Ross park.

I will try to let you know what we are working on each week too, so you attire yourself properly and bring the right equipment and personal stuff.

More to follow – but trying to keep email short..

Cheers and see you all soon!

Bob Johnson

January 19, 2025


FOZI finished up the year with its annual celebration party last Friday night at the Jungle Retreat – Jungle; such an exciting place to host a party. I believe everyone in attendance agreed and we felt like we were in a jungle paradise. Mr Coray [owner] helped set up the slide show and hang up our new banners. Everyone seemed to get enough food [catered by Cafe Rio]. Door prizes extended to everyone. A small white elephant exchange was done. Charter membership certificates were presented and a fun review of the year was discussed. Accolades were received from ZIZS and Zoo Idaho. Thanks to all that attended. It was a fun two hour party. Many thanks to my wife – Connie for making a lot of the arrangements for the party. There were quite a few ‘freebies’ to take home for the members to prepare them for this year at the zoo. Buffs [neck gaiters] were one of the newest items for our members. Lastly, I believe everyone got to take home some left over food – which is always a good thing – right?

Attached is the End of Year Report and attendance sheets and our hours for the zoo.

I hope we see our newest members at the zoo this year!



Bob Johnson
FOZI Director

November 21, 2024

Hello everyone,

If you are getting this email missive and flier, then you are cordially invited to our first annual/holiday celebration for FOZI.

All the food is provided, there will be door prizes, things to take home, slide show of ourselves and working projects, white elephant gift exchange [keep under $10].

We have the place for three hours – so come hungry and expect to stay awhile and enjoy the evening.

I believe the flier asks if you want to bring a food dish – coordinate with Connie on that by phone 970.232.0069.

Significant others are welcome!

The only thing we need is a firm people commitment by Dec 16th. This is necessary for planning the food and drink. If we don’t hear from you – then we will expect a ‘no show’. RSVP with Connie again – email too: connienavy@comcast.net

Please try to set aside some time for this celebration!

See you all then,


Bob Johnson

October 29, 2024


We had two events this weekend. First, we participated in the zoo’s ‘ZOO-BOO’ and had a good time handing out candies to all the children and some adults for 5 hours. The weather was cold at first but then warmed up. Many thanks to the cute Collins couple, Katherine – Ms Poison Ivy, Johnson couple, and Kim – the mad scientist or doctor..

Our group did a stellar job of not only passing out candies at two areas, but they told the public our story and handed out lots of business cards. We want the public know that their zoo takes additional volunteers to keep up appearances. Maybe we will get some more folks to sign on next year.

Sunday, Kat, Connie and I finished the Angry Squirrel shade structure and took on four benches. The weather was suburb for staining and sealing. We spent 5 hours out there up to closing time. The zoo was distinctly quiet after yesterday with very few visitors. We packed up and went to Mongolian Grill in Chubbuck for a satisfying meal.

This coming Thursday is Halloween and we may be working only two hours till 5 pm or there is  chance of working on Wednesday. Not sure what we are doing or where, but I will let you know.




October 21, 2024

Hello Crew,

Last Wednesday [moved up a day due to weather] was a fun time staining the ‘Angry Squirrel’ shade structure. Three of us [Kylie, Connie and I] started throwing stain and we almost finished the outside but ran out of time. We hope to finish this stain job this coming Thursday. We will have some ISU honor students coming out to work the lower area raking leaves. I think Peter or Roger will work with them. Unless directed otherwise, we should focus on staining. Come in at the top and wear stain clothes not your FOZI shirt [I got stain on mine]….brother.

We are picking up a lot of new applicants but have not seen them yet. Tentatively we work on Thursdays from 3 – 6 pm since 1st of April. These hours allow working folk to join in with us for an evening of work related fun. We do work some weekends but that has not happened due to not having a big project that extends into the weekend. Sorry, but our season is almost over for hands on work. Two more Thursdays and that is it. Hope to see you out there?



October 11, 2024


We were at it again last night with a new project. Seems the ‘Angry Squirrel’ cage area needed some shade for the lonely critter. Roger erected a structure around the exhibit to reduce the fierce sun that blisters the upper portions of the zoo. I am sure Mr. Angry Squirrel will enjoy the new surroundings and appreciate the shade. We were tasked to add the slate wood coating [like the Bison shade structure]. Using a pneumatic nail gun helped a lot. We put up two sides in 3 hours with just four of us. Many thanks to our new member – Kylie Ambrose, Connie, Roger and moi for a job well done! See photos! Three of us had a good time at Sandtrap for food and drink!

We are still working this year up to 1st of Nov. So if you want to get on the volunteer train, there is amble time.

See you next week. Not sure where yet. We will be staining the Angry Squirrel structure perhaps on a Sunday – Oct 27th?



October 4, 2024

Short one last night.

We were originally tasked to pull weeds and pick up trash outside the zoo, but Roger was there and needed help with pushing over a bundle of hay and throwing on alfalfa into the truck. We moved hay and alfalfa up to the zoo storage areas and also worked on a dead tree that needed to come down. We were finished by 430 pm. Many thanks to us four that came out. Michelle, Dean, Connie and me.

Sometimes our work is short cycled, but we are there and help in ways that time cannot measure. With hay/alfalfa itching in our shoes we left for Jim Dandy’s this time for a beer and some snacks. Quick work – but fun times afterwards!

Our season is rapidly drawing to an end. If you want to come out, please do. We are still focused on Thursdays at the moment.

If anyone is interested in some additional work – some of us will be up at the Nordic Center to do some sawyering and swamping for city parks and recs – tomorrow [Saturday] from 10 – 3 pm.  We are trying to get our FOZI folks multi-trained in other venues and put in volunteer hours as well.

We have a boo-fest coming up [see attachment] at the zoo which FOZI will host a table. Come out for this event if you have the time.

One last note: City parks and recs will be hosting a ‘toolfest’ either in Dec or Jan at their garage. We intend to invite the cemetery and zoo tools to attend with some humans in tow. I believe FOZI members can come and assist with this event. We are cleaning/sharpening/painting/oiling all the agencies tools for winter storage. I suggest you can bring in your tools if they need some TLC.  Food and drink will be there and some surprises. Good time to meet and greet.

So stay tuned to your emails and thanks!

Cheers and beers!  [when appropriate]

Bob Johnson

September 2024

Sep 7
Connie, Michelle and I worked a table at the zoo Septembear Fest. This event was our first exposure to the public about who we are and not especially designed for recruiting.

Sep 12 – 28
FOZI took a turn on a special project that Bob had already started with the Admin Bldg and it was only Connie and I working on the back side of the building on those benches for the bird lecture area. We put in a couple of hours there.

Sep 16
Connie and I were invited to share a table with the zoo at the Be Kind event at Lookout Point. We presented FOZI and handed out cards and decals. I think it was better to go to each booth and talk about FOZI and hand out cards.

Sep 19 & 26
FOZI was back at brushing in two different areas of the zoo. The 19th we were in a fenced area behind the Ft Hall property and brushing-trimming and chipping for several hours. Hot and sticky – but we made some good clearing in there. On 26th we were inside the garden area just behind the visitors center and lifted up the trees and brushed in there to make the place presentable for our gnomes that are going into the garden soon!

Other highlights of note:

Sep 28
Connie and I finished up the backside of the Admin Bldg project with sanding/caulking/staining/sealing 9 benches and one bird stand. We also did a special bench brought to us from Roger. Two columns were power-washing – then stained and sealed.

FOZI is busy and we encourage all to come out when you can. You do need to make an appearance to be an official member.

Thanks again for all the hard work and our season is rapidly coming to a close. Be advised that during the winter months we will be in training and get togethers – so stay tuned in.


Bob Johnson

August 23, 2024

Brushing task last night was needed on the northern uphill trail. Dead fall and limbs were removed and sent up to the chipper operator [Roger]. We managed to fill 6 truck loads and almost made it to the top of the path. Many thanks to Dean, Connie and zoo team. We made the area clean and looking nice.

Next week we will most likely be putting those stones into the gabions up around the lake. Perhaps a little brushing too.

Keep us in mind for Thursdays 3 -6 pm. We are still working up to the winter months!  Also we have another table to populate in October at the zoo. This is a high-viz event and we should attend and try to encourage folks to join our little club.

Keeping you posted,


Bob Johnson

August 19, 2024

Challenging work indeed!

Last Thursday was a test of teamwork and determination to get the second gazebo roof in place. Our FOZI members went to work following instructions from Roger to mount these four quad roof pieces together. Despite the set backs on marrying up the bolt holes and getting the inside wood to match up, we managed to put together the roof in time. The dance of the ladders and moving benches and tools was amusing at times. Screaming for nuts, bolts, drill and the ‘discipliner’ [rubber mallet] added to the coordinated effort. All this fun before we heard sirens screaming from the pool area that a thunder and lightening storm was upon us. Needless to say, we finished up early this week and bolted back to the safety of the building.

Great work under pressure and focusing on closure with this second roof project! Both gazebos are now ready for benches.

Many thanks to our working team out there.

Next week we may be on the gabions or working with wood removal.
Come in at the top again.

See you on Thursday!

Zoo ON!


August 9, 2024

Hello gang,

We helped put up the roof on one of the gazebo’s last night. It took four of us to stage the roofing quads into place. We installed some additional roofing materials and the structure was complete! Then we proceeded to set up the pillars for the second gazebo. Next Thursday we will be able to set the roof and complete another gazebo install.

Hope to see you all next week and remember to recruit some new folks to join us.

Hot temperatures and smoke is not helping our work environment. Truly, I am inspired and impressed by those that come out and work the zoo. We cannot wait for conditions to improve as Mother Nature controls the heat and the fires is something else. We have to work through the summer months as the winter shuts down our participation at the zoo for obvious reasons.

Needless to say, we are doing some good work at the zoo and we will continue up until it is time to quit.

Thanks again!


Bob Johnson

August 6, 2024

Great to see everyone again after a three week pause due to holiday and heat related conditions. We got back to work on the concrete pads for the future gazebos. Roger handled that pounding machine all night. I bet he was sore the next day?

We assisted by watering the crush, pulling it back on the track, and eventually helping pull that beast of a machine up and down the slopes. FOZI also moved a lot of stone rocks into place next to the walkway.

We ate up three hours easily on this project and was glad when 6pm rolled in.

Some of us went over the Sandtrap for some light refreshments.

More to do this week as the gazebo framing is going up and we are involved with that!

Hope to see you all again and use those new business cards to recruit new members. We need to grow the club!



June 21, 2024

Hello all,

We had a great night last evening doing four different tasks. We were assigned to work the upper area of the zoo and pull up pavers for the viewing ramp. To my surprise – after they level it off – we are going to put them back! That will be a fun project and one that you have to work in one direction to ensure the fit.

After pulling all the brick pavers we were assigned to rake out the hay storage shed into two piles. Then we helped throw in busted up asphalt pieces [going to the dump] and finally we tossed some tree limbs in the truck and we timed out nicely.

Next week, park up a the upper level and we will be working on limb removal, spray painting all that black poles [ones not getting replaced] and other projects as assigned. I have latex gloves, masks, cardboard for the spraying ops. We may bust up into groups for projects. Remember – full sun protection, water, sunglasses, gloves.

A few of us made it to the Sand Trap again for the weekly dinner specials and talk zoo smack! It was a lot of fun. Welcome Cal Norby to our growing club.

More stuff as always,

Many thanks to all that come out. Every time we do something, the zoo looks better and we feel better. So will the animals and visitors in time.

Don’t forget we are taking off 4th of July as it falls on our Thursday – enjoy.


June 14, 2024

Hello Brush Masters,

We had another great time whacking the trails around the zoo with the limbs hanging down in the trail. Also, dead snags and limbs were taken care of by us. It was hotter than last week, but we were in the shade a lot and did not notice the heat. Excellent work in such short time! We helped Roger with his project – back of exhibit space clearing for the squirrel exhibit. We may be assisting Roger next week with just that project – installing wooden slats for shade.

Photos show just how much we cleared.

Another note: Three members [Katherine, Chris, Lisa] earned their shirts this week and promptly put them on. We look good out there! Some other members will be getting ZIZS membership soon!

ACE hardware awarded us a gift certificate. Need to pick it up today. More good news – Sand Trap owner – Cory allowed us the 20% on all food items. So we are picking some good perks around town.

Two more whacks and then we take 4th of July off [it is on a Thursday].

Peter is out of town a lot in July, but promises that we will have some new and exciting projects all the way up to 1 Nov and maybe beyond [have to see about the weather].

More stuff to follow -stand by,


Bob Johnson

June 7, 2024

Greetings and Mindful 80 years since D-Day,

Hot – but we did some awesome work last night!
Welcome two new members to new club – Chris and Lisa Collins!

Hat went out to Matt Shugert and shirt to his daughter – Juliana – congrats! Now you are fully attired!

We looked great last night in all our shirts and hats and so it should be as it gives us high visibility with the community looking on and when we go out afterwards to enjoy ourselves. Remember, we are a social club too – not all work all the time.

WOW – that middle section with concrete wall behind visitors center has needed some attention for some time and it looks fabulous now. The zoo keepers can see all the way through as well as the visitors. The sign is readable, the bad grasses are removed, limbs taken up and dumped into the truck. Then we dispatched some sucker plants that like to invade the fence line. That whole section by the deer/turkey exhibit looks great now thanks to eight members and one working manager….

Lastly, we went outside the zoo and worked on pulling grasses and weeds, dead bushes, picking up trash and hiding the water lines with gravel.

All in three hours, we beautified the zoo and moved us on to more projects. Everything we do helps the zoo look better and saves time and money. Many thanks for all that worked through that sun last night.

See you all next week, stay healthy, hydrated and happy,

We may be doing more trimming and weeding.
Note: you can bring your own tools at this time if you choose.

Bob Johnson

May 31, 2024

Hello members and newcomers!

Quick note – waivers and applications are needed at the website to be filled out please. Also, please read all the tabs we have set up about the organization and our operating procedures.

Great day today and last night! We finished another project #3 – the railing/post around the bird cages! Many thanks to all that participated in this three whack event. Thanks for the extra push today from Matt and Juliana [daughter]. We put in 2 hours and installed an additional 5 posts and 10 rails to complete the project.

Next Thursday we will be brushing – trimming suckers and bushes around the zoo. So come prepared for that.

Project report:

Installed: 25 log posts at 20″ depth
Tagged on: 45 horizontal rails

39 total volunteer hours

Thanks again for making the zoo better!

See you all soon!

Bob Johnson

May 26, 2024

Greetings Members,

We just finished one of the largest staining projects at the zoo by all accounts – the Childrens Treehouse and again – thank you all for your time and effort on this project.

We are now locked in on a new project of removing posts and railing at the bird cage area and replacing with taller round posts and railing. We may be staining the rails but not the posts. Other work may be brushing out invading plants coming through the fence, weeding and trim work.

Our group last Thursday evening put in 7 posts and and 14 rails all within 3 hours work and then we retired over at Off-the-rails for some fun. Many thanks to all that came out. We are focused on getting this new project done possibly by the 1st June – free pass day.

Just a reminder that we have two forms to fill out – application and waiver. Also please try to use signupgenius [link below] to sign up for work sessions.
I encourage all members to read all the stuff we have posted on the webpage. www.zooidaho.org/fozi


Photos are posted weekly on the link below and you can check out our webpage often for missed reports.


We are off to a good start this year with two projects completed – Bison Shade Structure [staining only] and Childrens Treehouse. We can proudly say that we are making a difference at the zoo.

More fun and more work,


Bob Johnson

May 21, 2024

Great news!

We are finished with the children’s tree-house at the zoo. Many thanks to all that threw stain and did other tasks to get this project complete. Connie, Aaron, Matt Khan, and myself finished the staining on Sunday for the last 5.5 hours.

There is a few things left that the zoo will need to fix – pole replacement, capping the 16 poles to stop weathering and cracking the poles, slide replacement, pulling out the decking at the entrance, new sand and more.

The place will look brand new dues to our efforts in revitalizing this wonderful 20+ year old structure built by the Pocatello Rotary Club. The structure is well built and designed to last decades. It needed some work to maintain the safety for the children using it.

It was painful to turn away so many children over the last month, but the tree-house is now safe to use. There were some floor boards and railings that needed replacing and sanding the handrails for smoothness.

Here are some facts and report:

  • Project started on 11 April and finished 19 May. We were hoping for 1st of May – but weather held us up a lot.
  • Four sessions of power-washing the entire structure
  • Five sessions of caulking – strictly caulking and foaming large cracks in the poles and on knees caulking the floor boards where needed
  • Two sessions of replacing wood – zoo maintenance and thanks!
  • Thirteen sessions of staining every thing – all bare wood – two coats – high and low
  • Twenty-three gallons stain used
  • Fifty-four tubes of painters caulk used
  • Fourteen cans of Great Stuff foam applied
  • 602 ‘spindles’ painted – both levels
  • Thirteen steps – repaired,caulked and stained
  • Sixteen telephone poles caulked or foamed – then stained
  • And finally – 199 volunteer hours put in on this project!

Our new volunteer group is on its way to making a dent into some of the needed projects to make our zoo look fresh and inviting and most importantly – safe for the visitors and animal residents.

Again – Job well done – Bravo Zulu!

More to come…this Thursday we are working on a railing system around caged bird exhibit. May include wood working and staining. If we finish early, there will be some weeding and gardening type work for us.

Don’t forget to sign up for coming events!


Bob Johnson

May 2, 2024

Greetings FOZI members,

FOZI [Friends of Zoo Idaho] officially got underway on April 1st this year and we are busy. FOZI has secured three good hours each week [Thursdays from 3 – 6 pm] to work inside the zoo with some visitor interaction, but after 4 pm we are on our own. There is no real issue here as FOZI works with the public and the animals. Our goal as you may have read on the web-page is to provide additional maintenance in improving the surroundings for people and animals. We want the zoo to be a safe and fun place for visitors and to provide a lasting impression of a well kept zoo. FOZI also works some Saturdays for longer hours.

Our first project was staining the Bison Shade Shelter which is on the top level near the Grisly exhibit. The one bison has been needing a new shelter to get out of the rain and sun. Roger Anderson and Peter Pruett constructed the shelter. FOZI just put the stain on in two trips.

Another project was started right after the shelter – the children’s fort with the slide located up from the barn in the central area. This structure was built by the Rotary Club many years ago and requires periodic staining. Some of the boards needed replacing due to rotting conditions. The ‘fort’ needed a lot more maintenance this year as the stain was completely gone in some areas. Four days of power-washing was done on the entire structure, followed by foaming most all large cracks/gaps in the poles holding up the fort, floor boards and more. Over 45 tubes of caulk and 10 cans of Great Stuff – foam has been used to ‘finger’ in smaller cracks/gaps. Extensive sanding happened thereafter and all the edges of wood that children mi9ght touch were rounded off with a belt-sander. Finally, FOZI members were able to throw stain on the menacing spindles and other wood parts. Two coats of stain have been applied to the wood eager to absorb it. The bottom floor is almost done as of May 4th.

In addition to re-staining, the structure will be capped with tin plates to stop the downward rot of the exposed poles. Weather has not been our friend as the zoo planned on the fort to be open on May 1st. All the setbacks and delays will cause the fort to be finished probably by the end of May.

FOZI also cleaned the ground along the sides of the structure with limbing the existing trees, clearing the ground and making it safe for children to go around the entire structure.

Many thanks to Connie Johnson, the wife and our 1st newest member – Dean Rose with all their staining hours on this project. Dean has earned his ball cap and t-shirt already, but like the rest of us, we are not wearing those items on the this project.

View our full photo gallery on Google Photos.

Upcoming Events

Sign up for your next volunteer opportunity


Make a donation to Friends of Zoo Idaho

Apply Now

Become a Friends of Zoo Idaho Volunteer

Annual Waiver

Submit a waiver each year you volunteer


Friends of Zoo Idaho
Attn: Bob Johnson, FOZI Coordinator
3101 Avenue of the Chiefs
Pocatello, ID 83204